Every parent is automatically a member of the PTA. This is a committee of parents that organise and co-ordinate events. Our aim is to raise money for the school whilst having a great deal of fun and making friends.
We hold several key events each year. Our two main events are our inter-school Football Festival held in May and our Christmas Extravaganza. We aim to provide a great mix of traditional fund-raising stalls, refreshments and craft activities for families at these events. The order of the day is FUN, FUN, FUN!!! It’s a great way to see how the school pulls together so please come along and join us. You can find details of upcoming events in our newsletters and DIARY DATES tab. Events are open to the wider community so please feel free to call in.

Along with these large events the PTA also runs smaller, regular events – book fairs, bake sales and discos for the children. We also try to hold a couple of ‘social events’ each year. In the past these have included a formal ball, barn dance, race night, golf day, quizzes…..the list goes on, and new ideas are most welcome!
We provide refreshments at the annual senior citizens tea party as well as at our two main fundraising events.
The money raised by the PTA is used to buy items that the staff and / or school council have identified a need for. Purchases have included a canopy for the year R playground, scooter racks, playground markings, uniforms for the maypole dancers, PA speakers and a substantial donation towards our all weather play surface. We have also approved funding for replacement reading books, new playground equipment and replacement classroom furniture. Also, each term we give money to each classroom to help with expenses and every year we provide drinks and ice lollies at the sports day.
As you can appreciate, all these events take a lot of organising and the committee relies on the support of all the parents for them to run smoothly. You can help in various ways – join the committee, donate goods (raffle prizes etc), man stalls, sell tickets etc, but most of all come along and support our events. We hope you’ll feel inspired to join the PTA in any way that you can, sharing in the fun and rewards of being part of the Pulford community.
Please pop in to the office for details of who’s who on our current PTA committee. New ideas always welcomed. Come and join the fun!