Growing God's family through faith, hope and love, dedicated to realising the full potential of each other

Y4 Bikeability (2 of 2 sessions)

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Pancake Races on the astro!

Please bring a pan and pancake when you collect your child at the end of the school day. Then come to the astro to join in with the traditional fun and games.

Parents Evening (afternoon)

Some meeting times for SEND families.  These will be held IN THE CHURCH whilst classes continue at school.

Parents Evening

Please see newsletter for details on how to book your slot.

School Fundraising Concert at All Saints

Please come and enjoy some wonderful music whilst helping to raise funds for school at the same time!  Organised and led by Mr Ed Price, Chair of Governors.

Parents Evening

Please see newsletter near the time for details of how to book your slot.

‘Big Walk and Wheel’ Challenge

We're taking part in the Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel 2025 challenge.  Join in by walking, wheeling, scooting or cycling to school.  Let's see how many miles we can clock up!

Mother’s Day Breakfast

More details to follow; please come and join with us before school starts.